
Boulder County is full of good, wholesome, Slow Food options which can sometimes be challenging to navigate. This page has been set up to let area foodies know where to turn for local slow food resources. Please reach out to request additions:


Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares

Share in the harvest by purchasing a CSA share. Community-supported agriculture (CSA) is a food production and distribution system that directly connects farmers and consumers. In short: people buy "shares" of a farm's harvest in advance and then receive a portion of the crops as they're harvested. Click below to discover what farms are offering share in Boulder County.


Boulder County farmers markets

Who doesn’t love a great farmer’s market? In 2015 the Boulder Farmer’s market was actually named as the best in the country by USA Today! Check out our markets in Boulder and Longmont.

Mark your calendar for the 2022 Winter Market 12/3 & 12/4 9am-3pm


Good Food 100

Looking for a place to dine in Boulder County? We start with the Good Food 100 list, which highlights chefs and restaurants who use their purchasing power to honor and support every link in the food chain, and change the food system for good.


Louisville Farmers Market

Louisville Farmers Market seeks to support Colorado farms and businesses by providing Louisville and surrounding communities with a dynamic and inviting market that is beneficial to both its vendors and customers by emphasizing the importance of buying local products.


Erie Farmers Market

Erie Farmers Market seeks to support Colorado farms and businesses by providing Erie and surrounding communities with a dynamic and inviting market that is beneficial to both its vendors and customers by emphasizing the importance of buying local products